Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3 months

Eliza was 3 months old yesterday! She is becoming so much fun and we love her so much. Her cheeks are SO kissable!! She sleeps well at night -- occasionally even 8 hours but always at least 5. She smiles a lot and is almost constantly "talking" and coo-ing. I just love that. Lately she loves watching Sam and seems very aware of what's going on.
All these pictures were taken on Sundays. Having a little girl to dress up is still new to me so I can't resist taking pictures of her in the adorable little dresses she was given. Everyone tells us she looks a lot like Sam now.

2 weeks ago so about 2 1/2 months:

1 week ago:
 1 day shy of 3 months:
 Sam and Caleb making her smile.
Samuel's really into holding Eliza lately. Not just for a few seconds anymore either. He'll do it for a couple minutes at a time.

1 comment:

Amanda Erdmann said...

Kim you look amazing and your kids are so adorable.