Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend 9 - Service, Toronto's

We started to feel the pressure a bit at this point, with only a couple weeks left in NJ and still so many things we wanted to do!
Caleb was given the assignment of helping execute our East Brunswick ward service day which was on Saturday 7/27. On that day he headed up the painting project which was to paint 3 bedrooms at a women's shelter. I was in charge of the babysitting at the church with Linda Maldonado. Besides Eliza crying for an hour before she'd fall asleep b/c we left her paci in the van, it went fine. :) The painting was a big project and from what I hear it was a great success! Erin and Blake, fellow J&J interns, came along too which was awesome.
The painting crew: Caleb, Blake, Patrick Seleme, ???, Wilsons, Erin, Maldonados

Sunday we drove to Easton, PA and enjoyed delicious food and wonderful company at my cousins Esther Toronto's house. Whitney Lewis was in town too so it was great to see her. It's a great blessing to have Andersen cousins everywhere we go! The kids had fun at their house too. Sam especially liked playing with Taylor.

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