These pictures were taken on mine and Caleb's 3 year anniversary! The heart shaped pancakes were about the extent of our celebrations that day but we did go out to eat at Texas Roadhouse the Friday before, just the two of us! We left the kids with the Jaegers next door. They have one daughter Bailey and she's just a week younger than Sam so they play together a lot. Jeanelle is always asking me to watch the kids so we took them up on it and it was so fun!!
This was one of the first times I laid Eliza on her tummy to sleep. She prefers her stomach about half the time it seems. Sam never would fall asleep on his stomach so I thought it was pretty cool when Eliza accidentally fell asleep on her stomach.
At the dinosaur exhibit at the Idaho Falls museum a few Saturdays ago. We went with the Begleys. My cousin Tammy was there with her kids! Small world in the Andersen family I tell ya.
Here we are a few Mondays ago waiting for our chocolate chip cookies to come out of the oven. It was one of those awesome FHEs where you say to yourself, "This is what Family Home Evening is supposed to be like!" Too bad that doesn't happen every week. Caleb taught the lesson on reverence and Sam listened and seemed to get it, we played a fun game where you march around the dots (circles of paper on the ground) until the music stops, then you sit down on your dot and be reverent, we made cookies and waited by the oven until they were done, then ate some and delivered the rest to a few folks. Samuel said, "Just like Mrs. Bear and Sam!" (from the book Grandma gave him called You Can Do It Sam)
I drove down to Utah last Friday with the kids for a get together with friends/teammates/roommates from SVU. It was so fun. I just love all those girls. I'll have to steal one of their pics off facebook. We stayed with Josh and Stephanie and Jonathan that night, had a delicious waffle breakfast in the morning, then drove back home. Sam and Eliza are pretty good travelers. I usually just have to stop once to feed Eliza and Sam will just play outside next to the van with his dump truck. As long as there's some rocks of dirt or grass clippings around he's happy!
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