Monday, June 4, 2012

May fun

I've had this post half way ready to go for a couple weeks now. Oops!

The same day Caleb and Sam got back from the Father and Sons we got to meet up with my dear old BF Amy and her husband Scott! It's about time our husbands got to meet each other! We met up at this delicious burger place and had so much fun visiting. They were in Jackson Hole for work so we met up half way in Victor, ID and it was just perfect. Such a fun small town. We got to drive through Swan Valley on the way there and back and Caleb and I decided that's in our top ten for places we could retire. SO pretty. We loved seeing the Nuzmans.
A few weeks ago Caleb had a scouting training Friday evening and most of the day Saturday so the kids and I drove up to Rexburg and spent some time with Aunt Laura! We went to D.I., then got lunch at Wendy's and took it to Porter park. Sam LOVES spending time with her. We had some good talks about parenting. :)

This is our next door neighbor Bailey. Her and Sam play together a lot. She's just a week younger than him.
A few weeks ago I looked outside and saw Sam trekking across the yard with my flip flips on. He was playing on the back porch without shoes on but he wanted to go get one more tractor across the yard and saw my shoes sitting there and went for it. He's such a BOY! I love it.

We went swimming for FHE a couple Mondays ago at the indoor city pool and Sam was SO excited. We turned our heads to put our stuff down and he ran and jumped right in the water. Caleb jumped in after him and got to him right as he was bobbing up thankfully. SCARY! That boy definitely inherited my love for the water. Hopefully we can teach hm to be a little more cautious. Someone threw up after we'd only been there for about ten minutes and they closed the pool. Talk about a huge bummer! They gave us free passes so we'll go again soon.
Afterwards I went to Zumba. It's kinda my new thing. I go with some girls in the ward and it's fun and therapeutic to leave the house by myself and dance and get some exercise. I've also started running again but usually only a couple times a week. The first couple times were rough but I'm finally feeling like maybe someday I could get back into shape again!
Caleb's been working on an accounting and statistics class (it's through Harvard -- boy does he feel cool! :)) that he's required to finish by July 1st. He's enjoying it and that's what he spends his spare evening time doing. Summer is here and we're loving our nice warm weather!

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