Friday, April 6, 2012

Nothing too out of the ordinary to report around here. We're just enjoying these two cute kids! Samuel has really changed and grown up since Eliza was born. He's totally fine with going to other people's houses to play and letting other people hold him. That's a BIG deal for him! He's gone to Bailey's house (next door) twice in the last few weeks and to Mitch's house once. We're so glad he's become more social. People have been nice to invite him over so I can catch a nap or get some things done. He is still such a good big brother to Eliza. He's always so gentle with her and loves to say "Look Liza!" when he's doing something he thinks is neat. He runs to give her her paci whenever he hears her crying. He is getting over a pretty bad cold and still has a nasty sounding cough but we think he's over the worst of it. Luckily nobody else got it. He's really into the movie Finding Nemo lately. It's one of mine and Caleb's favorites too, and it's the only kids movie we have, so that's probably why Sam has come to really like it. He quotes it pretty frequently lately. The other day Caleb let a burp slip out and Sam immediately yelled, "That's disgusting!" Caleb thought at first I'd taught him to say that when someone burps, but then we realized it's from Finding Nemo! One of the fish says it when the tank is filthy.
Eliza was a month old a few days ago and is getting so much bigger. Crazy how fast they grow up. I seem to have more milk for her than I did for Samuel which makes things easier. I'm taking Dr. Christopher's lacation formula 3 times a day and that seems to help quite a bit. Eliza is quite the grunter. She grunts a lot and sometimes makes this goat like noise that's pretty funny too. Sometimes I just bust up laughing at the noises she makes!
We were a bit worried about my incision b/c it's been sore for so much longer than with my first c-section. But the past few days it's finally felt a lot better which has been SO nice! I remember my friend Amanda saying after she had her second child that as soon as she accepted that she wouldn't have any time for herself things were fine. Well it's so true! I have a to do list that keeps on growing but I try not to stress about it unnecessarily. I'm lucky to have two little constant reminders of what's most important.
Caleb is doing good... He is so helpful at home and is constantly trying to make my life easy.
Here's some pics from the last few weeks.
A couple Sundays ago when Caleb got home from ward council this is what he found:Eliza wearing her first dress!And Samuel running around mostly naked in his snow boots. :)
Eliza was smiling in her sleep and I ALMOST caught it on camera! This pic show the remains of a smile. :)

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