I'm pretty far behind... again! We went to the Baker family reunion in Montana from the 7th through the 12th and had lots of fun there. Samuel loved playing with his cousins. We all stayed inside since it was kind of cold so during the night there were pretty much bodies everywhere in Grandma and Grandpa Baker's house! What a party. Pics to come! Last weekend we played tennis with the Jones Friday night. Eliza fell asleep and Samuel wasn't begging to be held, so Caleb and I actually got to play tennis for almost 30 minutes! It was so much fun and we can't wait to play again. Saturday we went to the air show with Laura in Rexburg. Sam thought it was pretty cool (especially the snow cone he got there :)) but Eliza was not so fond. She did good for the first little bit, then every time a plane would fly by she'd start screaming again. They really were pretty loud. No more air shows for me with a child under 6 months.
This is before she got upset...
It was funny at first to see these little planes putting on an air show. I'm used to the Blue Angel type stuff. But it was pretty cool how these planes would fly straight up, turn their engine off, and just do flips and spins as they fell down until they'd turn the engine back on again. Scary!
This week has been full but good. Monday was FHE, Tuesday was young men's, Wednesday I went to our ward's chapel session at 6, rushed back for Caleb to go to a missionary discussion with Tayler at 7, then when he got home I rushed to Kohl's to buy a baby gift for my friend and made it to the end of her open house shower. Thursday I was going to go to the RS recipe exchange but skipped it to go to the park and fly Sam's kite and play on the playground. Kites are pretty cool! Friday was the annual scout fundraiser, a dinner and dessert/service auction. Today I went garage saleing for a couple hours this morning and found some good stuff, then naps, then we went to the zoo. It was free for Melaleuca employees today so we scored there. Then we had a barbeque with our neighbors (Bjoern, Jeanelle, and Bailey Jaeger) and then hung out in the backyard with more neighbors until after 9.
The summer is flying by. We're getting excited and a little nervous about our move! Caleb finally got up at 3:45 the other morning b/c he was thinking about things so much (internships, who to work for, school, etc.) he couldn't sleep. That is not like my laid back husband! Starting a full time MBA program (with a wife and 2 kids) is enough to make even the most laid back ones stress I guess. :)
A few updates on Samuel, he's been sleeping in a toddler bed for a couple months now. The transition actually went great. We just threatened to put him in the crib if he got out of his bed and he really didn't want that. Eliza is sleeping in the crib in his room for the first time tonight. So far so good... Sam is also down to getting his paci only for naps. In order to get him off it at night time we let him choose one toy that he can take to bed. The first night he chose the big paint roller and for a while he had to have that every night. Then he went to other random toys (dump truck, big digger, little digger, fire truck, etc.) but now he's back to the paint roller (sometimes the small one) but he calls them "blowers" now. He's crazy about blowers right now, you know the ones they use to blow the grass off the sidewalk after mowing. So he pretends the paint rollers are blowers, and now he calls them blowers. He pretends to blow me and Caleb and cracks up pretty hard when we pretend we're being blown back. Who needs a teddy bear when you've got a paint roller in the house??
Eliza gets cuter everyday. She "talks" all the time and has started squealing while she's talking too. She's got some lungs! She loves watching Samuel run around and is so generous with her smiles. Sam and I got a little flu and then some congestion/cold stuff but we're all healthy again and grateful. Caleb's allergies are pretty bad right now but he handles it well. Better go to bed.
1 comment:
Jared loves his crib. We're going to have to think of some incentive to get him out of it. :)
Yesterday he went to sleep at 3pm and slept until 8am. He's done that several times.
I think you made notes at the top as reminders for yourself, but now I'm eager to hear about Sam's prayer. :)
I can see Sam using his "blower" on you and Caleb and cracking up when you fall back. Ha ha. Good times.
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