Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baker Fam Reunion pics

On our way to Stevensville we stopped in Bevertail at Grandma McFarland's house (Caleb's maternal Grandmother, his only grandparent still living). I'd never met her before! She was so nice and it was fun visiting with her.
Her grandson Clifford along with his wife Dusty and their kids Flint and 8 month old boy live in the top part of the house and she lives in the basement. Dusty and Clifford were the nicest people and so welcoming.
The main activities for the toddlers were playing on the swing set and the two playgrounds and playing in the sand with the big dump trucks. The older kids spent lots of time canoeing/swimming in the ponds and ridimg the fourwheelers and dirt bikes. The guys went paintballing, shooting, and fishing.The gals cooked food, did pedicures, and visited. Oh and a few of us would go running each morning which was so fun. I love running in Stevensville because it's beautiful every way you turn and the air is so fresh and clean. There were always games of frisbee, ping pong, basketball, and cards going on too. It was awesome!  
 Elias, Jared, Samuel

 There were several four wheelers and dirt bikes there and Sam thought that was pretty cool of course. But his favorite part was wearing around the helmet.
 A fun winking/musical chair type game kept us all entertained for a few hours..
 Aunt Esther gave Samuel a professional, handsome hair cut.
Emma Owen, Daniel Lewis, Eliza Baker. Emma and Eliza are about a week apart and had the same pajamas! Daniel's a couple months older.
Eliza's gotta keep up her double chin somehow!

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